Keeping feet healthy as you age

We walk a lot in our lifetime, more than 100 000 km for the average person, so it’s only natural that our feet will experience some wear and tear. So how do we manage our ageing feet so they can continue to carry us for years to come?

Some of the changes that occur to our feet as we get older include loss of fat pad, thinning skin, thickened toenails, hard skin and bony deformities. Many people also suffer from chronic health conditions such as diabetes and arthritis which add to their foot trouble. Decreased mobility or poor eyesight can make it harder to care for your own feet and to cut your own toenails.

That’s where Podiatrists come in. We can assist with regular foot maintenance including nail and callous/corn care, diabetic foot checks, footwear advice, falls prevention, biomechanical assessments and more!

Give us a call on 3397 2193 for an appointment with one of our friendly Podiatrists.


Now stocking Archies footwear


Gear up for summer running again!