Gear up for summer running again!

Here are a few tips to get your feet happy and healthy to the finish line!

As the weather warms up it’s likely you’re thinking about lacing up your joggers and getting active in the outdoors – whether it’s an early morning Parkrun on a Saturday or you’re training for a big event, many of us like to get our bodies moving. There are a few tips you can follow to keep your feet happy and healthy to get you to the finish line:

Person running in a park
  1. Check your shoes – Ask yourself:

  • Are your shoes fitting correctly and not causing irritation? 

  • Are they worn out and needing replacement? 

  • Are they appropriate for the terrain you are running on?  

  • Your Podiatrist can help with footwear advice and assessment

2. Avoid Weekend Warrior injuries:

  • Increase your activity slowly and steadily.

  • If you haven’t done anything for a while, take your time building up your training to build up your strength and prevent injuries.

3. Listen to your body.

  • If you have any aches, pains or niggles get them checked out before they turn into anything more serious.

  • Don’t forget to take some time to rest between training as required!

4. Don’t forget to warm up and cool down properly

  • Stretching can help prevent injury and muscle soreness post exercise.


For more helpful advice or for a foot and footwear assessment come in and see one of our experienced Podiatrists at Coorparoo Podiatry Centre.  


Keeping feet healthy as you age